Writer’s retreat in Poland Here I am in Poland at my glorious writer’s retreat as the sun is going down. When I wrote With Blood and Scars, I spent the time in a little hut by a lake in a place called Tomaszkowo, not far from Olsztyn. Now I’m in Giewartów, east of Poznań, in a lovely place called Pod Strzechą, roughly translated as Beneath the Thatch. The staff here are wonderful and I am being thoroughly spoiled. As for the writing, I have to keep reminding myself that it will all come together eventually. I may not be able to see it yet, but the process is underway. This is good! Every night before ten o’clock I pop over to the bar where a member of staff makes me a thermos flask of milky, strong coffee so that I can start work at the crack of dawn – way before breakfast is served. I’m not in the main building – I have my little hidey hole in separate accommodation. I mentioned to the manager that I prefer to work outdoors and she very kindly arranged for me to have my very own parasol erected right outside my door. That’s service! Therefore, don’t tell anybody – it’s a secret, I start the day outside, working in my pyjamas. Fortunately, only the gardener/caretaker sees me and apparently he has become accustomed to “my little ways.” His chirpy morning “Dzień dobry” and our quick chat make for a very pleasant start to the day. The flower displays here are beautiful – tended by him with loving care. I’ll take some photos for my next update.